News of My Group
- January 15, 2025: Our paper on mock assertions in unit tests has been accepted to FSE 2025.
- January 13, 2025: Our paper on login bugs in Android apps has been accepted to ICPC 2025.
- August 23, 2024: Our MARL-based web GUI testing paper has been accepted to ASE 2024.
- August 8, 2024: Our HarmonyOS app testing paper has been accepted to ASE 2024 Demonstration Track.
- July 3, 2024: Our paper on LLM-based machine learning model optimization bug detection has been accepted to ISSTA 2024.
- June 14, 2024: Two papers (one on vision language model-based web testing, the other on Android device-specific compatibility issues) have been accepted to ICSME 2024.
- May 16, 2024: Our paper on fusing code searchers has been accpeted to TSE.
- April 15, 2024: Two papers (one on VR software testing, the other on fairness analysis of machine learning software) have been accepted to FSE 2024.
- April 11, 2024: Our paper on fuzzy replay technique has been accepted to TASE 2024.
- December 15, 2023: Our study on UAV log anomalies has been accepted to ICSE 2024.
- October 28, 2023: Our paper on detecting front-running vulnerabilities in smart contracts has been accepted to S&P 2024.
- September 23, 2023: Two papers have been accepted to QRS 2023. One studies how ChatGPT compares to Stack Overflow in terms of assisting programmers. The other studies the adoption of the AndroidX library.
- August 23, 2023: Our work on real-time anomaly detection for microservice systems has been accepted to APSEC 2023.
- August 18, 2023: Our deep learning project compatibility analysis work has been accepted to ISSRE 2023.
- July 28, 2023: Two papers accepted by ESEC/FSE 2023: one on the detection of compatibility issues in deep learning systems and the other on the evaulation of code generation techniques.
- July 23, 2023: Our stub code generation and repair work has been accepted by TOSEM.
- July 10, 2023: Our empirical evaluation of Q-learning based web testing techniques has been accepted by DSA 2023.
- July 1, 2023: Our work on GAN-based code generation and code search has been accepted by OOPSLA 2023.
- June 16, 2023: Our student Yitong Wang won the “2023 Summa Cum Laude Graduate of SUSTech” honor (南方科技大学2023届本科十佳毕业生).
- May 29, 2023: Our fine-grained obsolete test case prediction work has been accepted by Internetware 2023.
- May 5, 2023: Our code-change-oriented pre-trained model work has been accepted by ESEC/FSE 2023.
- May 3, 2023: Our Android webview testing work has been accepted by ISSTA 2023.
- April 28, 2023: Our method name prediction work has been accepted by TOSEM.
- April 19, 2023: Our smart contract front-running vulnerability dataset construction and detector evaluation work has been accepted by TSE.
- April 7, 2023: Our misleading app icon detection work has been accepted by ISSTA 2023.
- January 26, 2023: Our mobile advertisement work has been accepted by WWW 2023.
- January 17, 2023: Our Android configuration compatibility issue repair work has been accepted by ISSTA 2023.
- January 13, 2023: Our Android framework-specific crash localization work has been accepted by ICSE 2023.
- December 17, 2022: Our cross-app record and replay work has been accepted by ICST 2023.
- December 9, 2022: Our research paper on machine learning optimization bugs has been accepted to ICSE 2023.
- November 27, 2022: Our student Kerui Huang won the First Price in the National Software Testing Contest for College Students.
- November 27, 2022: Our student Yitong Wang won the Second Price in the National Software Testing Contest for College Students.
- Aug 30, 2022: One paper acceted to SCIS.
- Aug 25, 2022: One paper accepted to ASE 2022.
- July 29, 2022: One paper accepted to ISSRE 2022.
- July 20, 2022: One paper accepted to Micro 2022.
- June 23, 2022: One paper accepted to ACM Computing Surveys.
- June 9, 2022: Our student Aolei Zhou won the “2022 Summa Cum Laude Graduate of SUSTech” honor (南方科技大学2022届本科十佳毕业生).
- May 23, 2022: Our work on Android app maturity rating has been accepted to Internetware 2022.
- May 3, 2022: Our deep learning research is reported by Wen Wei Po (文匯報).
- Mar 20, 2022: Our mobile energy issues detection work has been accepted to TOSEM.
- Jan 28, 2022: Our empirical study of Android runtime permission misuse issues has been accepted to TSE.
- Jan 25, 2022: Our Android ICC analysis work has been accepted to ICSE 2022 Demonstrations Track.
- Dec 3, 2021: Our Android runtime permission misuse analysis work has been accepted to ICSE 2022.
- Sept 28, 2021: I received the “Junior Faculty of the Year” honor (南方科技大学年度青年教授).
- Sept 15, 2021: Our work on assesing Android third-party library detection tools has been accepted to TSE.
- Aug 23, 2021: Our survey on energy inefficiency diagnosis techniques for Android apps has been accepted to the FCS journal.
- Aug 4, 2021: I was invited to serve on the research track program committee for SANER 2022.
- Aug 2, 2021: Our study of Java lambda expression usage has been accepted to ASE 2021.
- July 21, 2021: Our Android configuration compatibility issue detection work has been accepted to ASE 2021.
- July 8, 2021: Our study of the transaction-reverting statements in Ethereum smart contracts has been accepted to ASE 2021.
- June 10, 2021: My students Shuqing Li and Tiancheng Yu won the “2021 Distinguished Undergraduate Thesis of SUSTech” honor (南方科技大学2021届本科生优秀毕业论文).
- June 9, 2021: My student Shuqing Li won the “2021 Summa Cum Laude Graduate of SUSTech” honor (南方科技大学2021届本科十佳毕业生).
- June 9, 2021: My student Yechang Wu won the “2021 Outstanding Graduate of SUSTech” honor (南方科技大学2021届优秀毕业生).
- May 21, 2021: Our image classification model reliability testing work has been accepted to the EMSE journal.
- May 20, 2021: We have three papers accepted to ESEC/FSE 2021.
- April 19, 2021: Our work received the ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award at ICSE 2021.
- March 11, 2021: One paper accepted to TOSEM.
- February 3, 2021: One paper accepted to IST.
- January 31, 2021: One paper accepted to TSE.
- January 1, 2021: I was invited to serve on the Editorial Board of Young Scientists of JCST.
- December 22, 2020: One paper accepted to SANER 2021.
- December 15, 2020: Two papers accepted to ICSE 2021.
- November 25, 2020: Two undergraduate students of our group won prizes in the 2020 National Software Testing Finals for College Students (2020全国大学生软件测试大赛总决赛): Jiangning Wu (first prize) and Chuan Jiang (third prize).
- November 22, 2020: Our work won the second prize award and honorable mention award at the Research Prototype Competition in the 19th National Software Application Conference (NASAC 2020).
- November 10, 2020: I received the General Research Grant from the Natural Science Fundation of Guangdong Province.
- November 7, 2020: I was invited to serve on the program committee for ASE 2021.
- October 23, 2020: Our UG students Shuqing Li and Zhirui Lu won National Scholarship (news page).
- September 12, 2020: I received the Excellent Teaching Award (优秀教学奖) and Excellent Residential College Mentor Award (优秀书院导师奖).
- August 1, 2020: One paper accepted to ISSRE 2020.
- July 30, 2020: Two papers accepted to ASE 2020.
- July 7, 2020: Our paper collaborated with WeChat has been accepted to ASE 2020 Industry Showcase track.
- June 23, 2020: My student Hengcheng Zhu won the “2020 Distinguished Undergraduate Thesis of SUSTech” (南方科技大学2020届本科生优秀毕业论文) and the “2020 Outstanding Graduate of SUSTech“(南方科技大学2020届优秀毕业生)honor.
- June 11, 2020: My students Yi Liu and Zhaoxu Zhang won the “2020 Summa Cum Laude Graduate of SUSTech” honor (南方科技大学2020届本科十佳毕业生).
- April 16, 2020: One paper accepted to ISSTA 2020.
- March 2, 2020: Watchman online service launched. Try it to find dependency conflicts in your evolving Python projects!
- February 2, 2020: One paper accepted to ICSE 2020 Demonstrations Track.
- January 16, 2020: One paper accepted to ICSE 2020 NIER Track.
- December 9, 2019: Our work on Python dependency conflicts diagnosis has been accepted to ICSE 2020.
- December 1, 2019: Four undergraduate students of our group won prizes in the 2019 National Software Testing Finals for College Students (2019全国大学生软件测试大赛总决赛), news page: Shuqing Li (Champion), Yi Liu (first prize), Jiangning Wu (second prize), Zhirui Lu (second prize).
- November 30, 2019: Our work on Python framework API evolution has been accepted by SANER 2020.
- November 3, 2019: Six undergraduate students of our group won prizes in the 2019 National Software Testing Contest (Guangdong Provincial Level): Yi Liu (first prize), Zhirui Lu (first prize), Jiangning Wu (second prize), Shuqing Li (third prize), Yimin Chen (third prize), Yechang Wu (honorable mention).
- October 15, 2019: We launched a collaboration project with Huawei.
- October 10, 2019: Our UG students Yi Liu and Zhaoxu Zhang won National Scholarship (news page).
- September 3, 2019: A new ideas paper accepted to ASE 2019.
- August 16, 2019: A research grant (in collaboration with Nanjing University) is awarded by NSFC.
- July 26, 2019: I received the honor “High-Level Talent in Nanshan District of Shenzhen” (深圳市南山区领航人才).
- July 23, 2019: Our UG student Yi Liu ranked No. 1 in the third IEEE International Software Testing Contest.
- July 17, 2019: Our UG student Yi Liu won the first place in the Software Testing Competition of ISSTA 2019.
- May 31, 2019: Our work PIVOT received the ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Artifact Award at ICSE 2019.
- May 25, 2019: Our work on bug-inducing commits has been accepted by ESEC/FSE 2019.
- April 23, 2019: Our student Yi Liu ranked No. 1 in ICST 2019 software testing contest.
- April 4, 2019: Our Third-Year UG student Yi Liu was selected to be part of the Tencent Rhino-Bird Elite Training Program (腾讯犀牛鸟精英人才培养计划, news page).
- March 29, 2019: Our DroidLeaks work has been accepted by EMSE.
Site maintained by yepangliu, last updated: 2025-01-24 12:23:39 +0800