Teaching Activities

The courses that I have taught at SUSTech:

  1. CS109 Introduction to Computer Programming (Spring 2024)

  2. CS323 Compilers (Fall 2023)

  3. CS323 Compilers (Fall 2022)

  4. CS102A Introduction to Computer Programming (Spring 2022)

  5. CS323 Compilers (Fall 2021)

  6. CS102A Introduction to Computer Programming (Spring 2021)

  7. CS323 Compilers (Fall 2020)

  8. CS102A Introduction to Computer Programming (Spring 2020)

  9. CS323 Compilers (Fall 2019)

  10. CS102A Introduction to Computer Programming (Spring 2019)

  11. CSE5008 Advanced Software Engineering (Fall 2018)

  12. CS102B Introduction to Computer Programming (Fall 2018)

  13. CS102A Introduction to Computer Programming (Spring 2018)

At HKUST, I have been the teaching assistant for the following undergraduate and postgraduate courses.

  1. COMP 5111 Fundamentals of Software Analysis (Fall 2014)

  2. CSIT 5100 Object-Oriented Software Development of Enterprise Systems (Spring 2014)

  3. COMP 1022p Introduction to Computing with Java (Fall 2013)

  4. CSIT 5100 Object-Oriented Software Development of Enterprise Systems (Spring 2013)

  5. COMP 1022p Introduction to Computing with Java (Fall 2012)

  6. CSIT 5100 Object-Oriented Software Development of Enterprise Systems (Spring 2012)

  7. COMP 1022p Introduction to Computing with Java (Fall 2011)

  8. COMP 211 Introduction to Software Engineering (Spring 2011)

  9. COMP 102 Computer and Programming Fundamental I (Fall 2010)

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